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[입이트이는영어] Stains / 얼룩



# STEP 1


Talk about how you get stains on your clothes.


In life, we get stains in our clothes for various reasons.

The most common case is when you get makeup on your clothes.

Foundation especially gets all over the collar area.

When makeup gets on clothes, it's hard to remove the stain.

It's better to have it dry-cleaned.

Stains are also caused by food splattering on clothes.

Spilling a drink also causes stains.

It looks messy when there are stains on clothes.

It can really get on your nerves.



살다 보면, 여러 가지 이유로 옷에 얼룩이 생긴다. 가장 흔한 경우는 화장품이 옷에 묻는 것이다. 특히 옷깃 부분에 파운데이션이 잘 묻는다. 화장품이 옷에 묻으면 잘 지워지지 않아서 드라이클리닝을 맡기는 것이 좋다. 옷에 음식물이 튀는 경우에도 얼룩이 생긴다. 또한 음료를 마시다가 쏟는 경우에도 얼룩이 생긴다. 옷에 얼룩이 생기면 지저분해 보이기 때문에 신경이 많이 쓰일 수 있다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


for various reasons 이런저런 이유로

get all over 온통 다 묻다

remove a stain 얼룩을 지우다

have something dry-cleaned ~을 드라이클리닝을 맡기다

splatter on 튀어서 ~에 묻다

look messy 지저분해 보이다

get on someone's nerves 신경에 거슬리다, 짜증 나게 하다


# Pattern Practice


1) get all over 온통 다 묻다

Foundation especially gets all over the collar area.

The paint got all over the floor.

I spilled some coffee and it got all over the sofa.


2) have something dry cleaned ~을 드라이클리닝으 ㄹ맡기다

It's better to have it dry-cleaned.

I usually have my pants dry-cleaned, instead of washing them myself.

It doesn't cost too much to have shirts dry-cleaned.


3) get on someone's nerves 신경에 거슬리다, 짜증 나게 하다

Having a stain on your clothes can really get on your nerves.

My broken nail got on my nerves all day.

The noise from his keyboard really gets on my nerves.


# STEP 2


Talk about when you got a stain on your clothes.


I recently went to a coffee shop and tipped over a drink.

The coffee splashed onto my clothes.

As luck would have it, I was wearing a white shirt.

The stains was really noticeable.

I used some wet-nap and did the best I could to clean it, but it wasn't perfect.

The stain gnawed at me all day until I left work.

Another time, I got a stain because I got food on my clothes.

I take extra care when I eat if I am wearing bright colors, but it still happened.

I tried to get it out with napkins, but it was no good.

I hand-washed the stained area when I got home and ran the washing machine.



최근에 커피숍에 갔다가 음료를 쏟았다. 커피가 튀면서 옷에 묻었다. 하필 흰 셔츠롤 입고 있어서 얼룩이 눈에 잘 보였다. 물티슈로 최대한 닦아 보았는데, 완전히 다 지워지지는 않았다. 퇴근할 때까지 하루 종일 얼룩이 신경 쓰였다. 또 한번은 음식이 옷에 튀어서 얼룩이 생겼던 적도 있다. 밝은색 옷을 입으면 먹을 때 특히 더 신경을 쓰는데도 그랬다. 휴지로 닦아 보았는데 소용이 없었다. 집에 와서 얼룩이 생긴 부분을 손빨래를 하고 세탁기에 넣어 빨았다.

# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


tip something over ~을 엎지르다, 넘어뜨리다

splash onto 튀어서 ~에 묻다

as luck would have it 마침, 하필

wet-naps 물티슈

do the best one can 최선을 다하다

gnaw at someone ~가 신경쓰이게 하다

take extra care 특별히 신경을 쓰다

It is no good 소용 없다

hand-wash 손으로 세탁하다

run the washing machine 세탁기를 돌리다


# Pattern Practice


1) as luck would have it 마침, 하필

As luck would have it, I was wearing a white shirt.

As luck would have it, there was a doctor on the plane.

As luck would have it, I had left my phone at home that day.


2) gnaw at someone ~가 신경 쓰이게 하다

The stain gnawed at me all day.

What she said gnawed at me all day.

Don't let your mistake gnaw at you.


3) run the washing machine 세탁기를 돌리다

I ran the wahsing machine when I got home.

It's too late at night to run the washing machine.

I don't have any clean socks because I forgot to run the washing machine.


# Expression of the Day


It's not worth the trouble. 그렇게 고생할 가치가 없어. 
A: Why are you throwing away this shirt?
B: I spilled coffee on it yesterday. I can't get the stain out.
A: You should try washing it by hand.
B: It's not worth the trouble. It's a really old shirt.

A: 이 셔츠는 왜 버리는 거야?
B: 어제 커피를 쏟았거든. 얼룩이 안 지워져.
A: 손빨래를 한번 해 보지 그래.
B: 그렇게 고생할 가치가 없어. 어차피 엄청 오래된 셔츠야.