# STEP 1
Talk about staff dinners at companies.
Korean companies have a culture of frequnet staff dinners.
The dinners are held often to build teamwork among coworkers.
The frequency is different at each company, but it's safe to say that almost no companies have no staff dinners at all.
The dinners have many advantages, but the catch is that they interfere with people's private lives after office hours.
Sometimes, they come across as mandatory.
People are forced to go.
Alcoholic drinks are also common, which can be physically tiring.
한국 기업은 회식이 잦은 문화를 가지고 있다. 직장 동료들 간에 팀워크를 다지자는 취지로 회식 자리를 자주 갖는다. 회사에 따라 빈도는 다르지만, 회식을 안 하는 기업은 거의 없다고 봐도 과언이 아니다. 회식은 여러 장점이 있기는 하지만, 근무 시간 후에 사생활을 방해한다는 단점이 있다. 참석하지 않으면 안 되는 강제성을 띠는 경우도 있다. 또한 주로 음주를 하게 되어, 몸이 힘들 수도 있다.
# Key Vocabulary & Expressions
build teamwork 팀워크를 다지다
it's safe to say ~라 해도 과언이 아니다
the catch is ~이 단점이다
after office hours 근무 시간 이후에
come across as ~으로 인식되다
be forced to ~하도록 강요받다
physically tiring 몸을 힘들게하는
# Pattern Practice
1) build teamwork 팀워크를 다지다
The dinners are held often / to build teamwork among coworkers.
We went on a workshop to build teamwork.
Solving a problem together is a good way to build teamwork.
2) after office hours 근무 시간 이후에
The dinners interfere with people's private lives after office hours.
Please don't call me after office hours.
I never check my e-mail after office hours.
3) come across as ~으로 인식되다
Sometimes, they come across as mandatory.
He comes across as arrogant because of the way he talks.
It comes across as an impossible problem.
# STEP 2
Talk about how staff dinners are changing these days.
I have worked a desk job for over 10 years.
I have noticed that the culture of staff dinners has changed over the years.
As recently as 5 or 6 years ago, it was common to have barbecue for the first round, chicken and beer for the second, and soju at a food stall for the third.
But now, the corporate culture respects the privacy of employees after work.
These days, we sometimes have a light dinner and enjoy cultural activities together.
We have gone to baseball games and concerts.
I am a lightweight drinker, so I welcome these changes.
나는 10여 년 넘게 회사 생활을 해 왔다. 세월이 흐르며 회사의 회식 문화가 변해 온 것을 느낀다. 불과 5~6년 전만 하더라도 1차는 고기를 구워 먹고, 2차는 치킨에 맥주, 3차는 포장마차에서 소주를 마시는 회식이 일반적이었다. 하지만 이제는 회사에서 직원들의 퇴근 후 사생활을 존중하는 문화가 강해지고 있다. 요즘에는 저녁 식사를 간단히 하고, 같이 문화 생활을 즐기는 회식을 하는 경우도 있다. 같이 야구 경기를 관람하거나 콘서트에 함께 간 적도 있다. 술을 잘 못하는 나에게는 너무나 반가운 변화들이다.
# Key Vocabulary & Expressions
work a desk job 사무직에 종사하다
over the years 세월이 흐르며
have barbecue 고기를 구워 먹다
the first round 1차
food stall 포장마차
corporate culture 회사 문화
respect the privacy of ~의 사생활을 존중하다
have a light dinner 저녁을 가볍게 먹다
enjoy cultural activities 문화 생활을 하다
a lightweight drinker 술을 잘 못 마시는 사람
# Pattern Practice
1) the first round 1차
It was common to have barbecue for the first round.
We all went home after the first round.
I paid for the first round.
2) have a light dinner 저녁을 가볍게 먹다
These days, we usually have a light dinner together.
We had a light dinner before the movie.
I usually have a light dinner because I'm on a diet.
3) a lightweight drinker 술을 잘 못마시는 사람
I am a lightweight drinker so I welcome these changes.
I'm a lightweight drinker, and I get very bad hangovers.
I usually just drink cola because I'm a lightweight drinker.
# Expression of the Day
There's no pressure 절대 부담 갖지 마.
A: Are you busy tomorrow after work?
B: I don't have any plans, why do you ask?
A: The team is getting dinner, but it's not mandatory. There's no pressure.
B: Okay, I'll be there. What will be eating?
A: 내일 일 끝나고 바쁘니?
B: 별다른 계획은 없어요. 왜 물어보시는 거예요?
A: 팀이 저녁을 먹으러 갈 건데, 의무는 아니야. 절대 부담 갖지 마.
B: 네, 그럼 저도 갈게요. 뭘 먹으러 가나요?
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