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[입이트이는영어] Dental Care / 치아관리



# STEP 1


Talk about why dental care is important.


Dental health is very important.

You need healthy teeth to chew food.

If you get a toothache, you can't eat properly.

This takes a toll on your health. 

If you have pain in your teeth or gums, it has an effect on your daily life.

Healthy teeth also influence a person's physical appearance.

If your teeth turn yellow, it doesn't look clean.

Finally, unhealthy teeth can also cause bad breath.

For all of these reasons,  it's important to take good care of your teeth.



치아 건강은 상당히 중요하다. 이가 건강해야 음식물을 잘 씹을 수 있다.

이가 아프면 제대로 식사릍 할 수가 없어서 건강에 악영향을 미친다.

치아나 잇몸에 통증이 있는 경우에는 일상생활에 지장을 준다.

또한 건강한 치아는 사람의 외모에도 영향을 미친다.

치아가 누렇게 변색되면 깔끔하지 못한 인상을 준다.

마지막으로 치아 상태가 좋지 않으면 입 냄새가 날 수도 있다.

이러한 여러 가지 이유로 치아 관리는 중요하다.

# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


get a toothache 치통이 생기다

take a toll on someone's health 건강에 악영향을 미치다 *Corona Virus takes a huge toll on Korea.

have pain in ~에 통증이 있다

have an effect on ~에 영향을 끼치다

physical appearance 외모 (=look)

bad breath 입 냄새

take good care of ~을 잘 관리하다


# Pattern Practice


1) have pain in ~에 통증이 있다

If you have pain in your teeth or gums, it has an effect on your daily life. *gums 잇몸

I had pain in my shoulder all day.

I have pain in my knee from jogging yesterday.


2) bad breath 입 냄새

Finally, unhealthy teeth can also cause bad breath.

I can't have bad breath on a blind date.

My bad breath was caused by an infection.


3) take good care of ~을 잘 관리하다

For all of these reasons, it's important to take good care of your teeth.

It will last a long time if you take good care of it.

I promised to take good care of her dog.


# STEP 2


Talk about how you maintain your dental health.


I try to bruth my teeth as often as possible.

It's the first thing I do when I get up in the morning.

After lunch, I brush  my teeth in the bathroom. 

I also brush again before I call it a night.

I always carry around some mouthwash, and use it often to rinse out my mouth.

I floss my mouth once or twice each week to clean between my teeth.

I also visit a dental clinic regularly to keep my teeth healthy.

I most often get my teeth cleaned to remove plaque, and I also check for cavities.

Sometimes I get my teeth whitened if they have changed color.



나는 최대한 자주 이를 닦으려고 노력한다.

아침에 일어나서 가장 먼저 하는 것이 이를 닦는 것이다.

점심을 먹고 나서는 화장실에 가서 이를 닦는다.

저녁에 잠을 자기 전에도 이를 한 번 더 닦는다.

구강 청결제를 항상 가지고 다니면서 입을 자주 헹군다.

일주일에 한두 번 정도 치실을 이용해서 이 사이사이를 닦아 낸다.

건강한 치아 관리를 위해서 치과도 정기적으로 간다.

치석을 제거하기 위해 스케일링을 가장 많이 받고, 충치가 생겼는지도 검사한다. 

치아가 변색되었을 경우에는 미백 시술을 받을 때도 있다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


as often as possible 최대한 자주

call it a night 잠자리에 들다 (=go to bed) *Let's call it a day! 오늘은 마무리하자

carry around something ~을 휴대하고 다니다

rinse out one's mouth 입 안을 헹구다

floss one's teeth 치실을 사용하다 *I floss my teeth once a week.

visit a dental clinic 치과에 가다 (=visit a dentist)

get one's teeth cleaned 스케일링을 받다

check for cavities 충치 검사를 하다

get one's teeth whitened 치아 미백 시술을 받다

plaque 치석 [플래엑]


# Pattern Practice


1) call it a night 잠자리에 들다 (=go to sleep)

I also brush my teeth again before I call it a night.

I was so tired that I called it a night earlier than usual.

He always calls me before we call it a night.


2) rinse out one's mouth 입 안을 헹구다

I carry around some mouthwash, and use it often to rinse out my mouth.

I rinsed out my mouth, but I can still taste the garlic.

The food was too spicy, so I rinsed out my mouth with milk.


3) get one's teetch cleaned 스케일링을 받다

I most often get my teeth cleaned to remove plaque.

It doesn't cost much to get my teeth cleaned.

I get my teeth cleaned twice each year.


# Expression of the Day


You should have that looked at.  진료를 받아 보는 것이 좋겠어. 


A: Why aren't you eating? I thought you like Thai food.
B: No. The food is delicious. It's because l have a toothache.
A: You should have that looked at. Toothaches don't just go away.
B: You're right. I'll go to the dentist's right after work.

A: 왜 안 먹어? 너 태국 음식 좋아하는 줄 알았는데.
B: 아니, 음식은 맛있어. 이가 아파서 그래.
A: 진료를 받아 보는 것이 좋겠어. 치통은 그냥 없어지지 않더라.
B: 그래, 맞아. 일 끝나는 대로 치과에 가 볼게.