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[입이트이는영어] Hangover / 숙취



# STEP 1 


Talk about the symptoms of a hangover.


Hangovers are a side effect of drinking alcohol.
If you drink heavily, the hangover symptoms can be severe and distressful.
The severity of a hangover varies from person to person.
It also depends on the type of liquor you drink.
Splitting headaches are the most common symptom.
You might feel sick to your stomach and want to throw up.
There are many medicines and drinks which are sold as cures for hangovers.
When the symptoms are severe, it's best to take medicine and drink lots of water.
Sleeping also speeds up recovery.



음주의 부작용 중에 하나는 숙취다. 과음을 하면 숙취 증상이 매우 심해서 괴로울 수 있다. 숙취의 정도는 사람마다 다르다. 또한 마신 술의 종류에 따라 다르다. 가장 흔한 증상으로 심한 두통을 들 수 있다. 속이 안 좋아서 토하고 싶어질 수도 있다. 숙취를 해소하는 약이나 음료들도 시중에 많이 나와 있다. 증상이 심한 경우, 악을 먹고 물을 많이 마시는 것이 좋다. 빠른 회복을 위해 잠을 충분히 자는 것도 좋다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


side effect of ~의 부작용
drink heavily 과음하다
severiy of ~의 강도, 심한 정도
vary from person to person 사람마다 다르다
splitting headache 극심한 고통
feel sick one's stomach 속이 안좋다
throw up 토하다
cure for ~의 치료 방안
speed up 더 빠르게 해 주다


# Pattern Practice


1) drink heavily 과음하다
If you drink heavily, the hangover symptoms can be severe and distressful.
People often drink heavily at the end of the year.
Drinking heavily is very bad for your health.


2) splitting headache 극심한 두통
Splitting headaches are the most common symptom.
I left work early because I had a splitting headache.

The noise gave me a splitting headache.


3) feel sick to one's stomach 속이 안좋다
You might feel sick to your stomach and want to throw up.
I felt sick to my stomach when I got off the bus.
I didn't eat anything because I felt sick to my stomach.


# STEP 2


Talk about a time when you had a bad hangover.


I recently had a get-together with my high school classmates.
We hadn't met in a long time, so I was really glad to see them.
We met at a restaurant and chatted over dinner.
Of course, we also had drinks with the food.
As we drank, the atmosphere heated up.
We just kept drinking.
We even bar-hopped to get some beer for a second round.
I drank a lot that day and got quite drunk.
I blacked out and couldn't remember how I got home.
The next day, I suffered from a really bad hangover.
I only felt myself again after I took a hangover tonic and slept all day.



최근에 고등학교 등문들과 모임을 가졌다. 한동안 만나지 못한 친구들이어서 정말 반가웠다. 우리는 음식점에서 모여 저녁을 먹으며 이야기를 나누었다. 식사와 함께 당연히 술도 마셨다. 술을 마시면서 분위기가 달아올랐고, 계속 마시게 되었다. 결국 자리를 옮겨 2차를 가서 맥주를 또 마셨다. 그날 술울 제법 많이 마시고 상당히 취했다. 필름이 끊겨서 어떻게 집에 왔는지 기억도 나지 않는다. 다음 날에는 숙취가 무척 심해서 고생을 많이 했다. 숙취 해소약을 먹고 하루 종일 잠을 자고 나서야 컨디션을 회복했다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


have a get-together 모임을 갖다
be glad to see someone ~을 반가워하다
chat over dinner 저녁 식사를 하며 이야기를 나누다
atmosphere heats up 분위기가 달아오르다
bar-hop 술자리를 옮겨다니다
second round 2차(술자리)
black out 필름이 끊기다
feel oneself again 컨디션을 회복하다
hangover tonic 숙취 해소제


# Pattern Practice


1) chat over dinner 저녁 식사를 하며 이야기를 나누다
We met at a restaurant and chatted over dinner.
During our blind date, we chatted over dinner.
Let's chat over dinner tomorrow if you have time.


2) bar-hop 술자리를 옮겨 다니다
We even bar-hopped to get some beer.
I don't go bar-hopping as often as I used to.
My friends like to bar-hop, but I prefer to stay in one place.


3) feel oneself again 컨디션을 회복하다
I only felt myself again after I slept all day.
I felt myself again after I took a shower.
You shouldn't exercise before you feel yourself again.


# Expression of the Day


Sleep it off.  좀 자고 나면 나을 거야.  

A: You look really tired. Is something wrong?
B: I drank a little too much yesterday, and now I'm hungover.
A: Go home and sleep it off. We can meet again tomorrow.
B: Thanks. I promise I'll be more focused tomorrow.

A: 너 많이 피곤해 보인다. 무슨 문제라도 있니?
B: 어제 좀 과음을 했더니 숙취 때문에 힘드네.
A: 집에 가서 좀 자고 나면 나을 거야. 내일 다시 만나면 돼.
B: 고마워. 내일은 꼭 더 집중하도록 할게.