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[입이트이는영어] School Teachers / 학교 교사



# Speech Practice


Talk about the various aspects of being a school teacher in Korea.


Being a teacher in Korea is quite popular.

It's what a lot of young people want to be when they grow up.

Teaching is very rewarding work.

Teachers are looked up to at school.

They are also respected throughout society.

They also have regular working hours, and two vacations each year.

Compared to other civil servants, their income is quite high.

Even after retirement, teachers receive a pension from a separate pension fund.

However, teachers also face hardships.

In addition to teaching classes, they have to do a lot of paperwork.

They must have provide guidance for students, and deal with parents who are very demanding.

Plus, it's very hard private education is so widespread, it's hard to be a teacher without a sense of duty.



한국에서 학교 교사는 상당히 인기가 높다. 많은 청소년들의 장래 희망이기도 하다.
가르치는 것은 매우 보람 있는 일이다. 교사들은 학내에서 존경을 받고, 사회적으로도 덕망이 높다. 더불어, 근무 시간이 규칙적이고, 매년 방학이 두 차례 있다. 급여 수준은 여타 공무원들에 비해서 꽤 높다. 퇴직 후에도 교사들은 별도의 연금 기금에서 연금을 수령한다.
그러나 교사로서 힘든 부분들도 있다. 교실 수업만 하는 것이 아니라, 많은 행정 업무를 해야 한다. 학생들의 진학 지도를 해야 하고, 매우 까다로운 학부모들을 상대하기도 해야 한다. 게다가, 최근에는 학생들의 생활 지도에 어려움을 겪고 있기도 하다. 사교육이 널리 확산되어 있는 한국에서 교사는 사명감 없이는 하기 힘든 직업이다. 


# Key Expressions


what someone wants to be (when they grow up) 장래 희망
rewarding work 보람된 일
look up to 존경하다
regular working hours 규칙적인 근무 시간
civil servant 공무원
receive a pension 연금을 받다
pension fund 연금 기금
face hardships 어려움을 겪다
do paperwork 행정 업무를 하다
provide guidance (진로 등을) 지도하다
demanding 요구하는 것이 많은
private education 사교육
widespread 널리 확산되어 있는
sense of duty 사명감


# Pattern Practice


1. what someone wants to be 장래 희망
It's what a lot of young people want to be when they grow up.
A doctor is what I want to be when I was younger.
You should choose your major based on what you want to be.

2. look up to 존경하다
Teachers are looked up to at school.
As I grow older, I look up to my parents more and more.
I want my children to look up to me.

3. sense of duty 사명감
It's hard to be a teacher without a sense of duty.
It's not something that I do out of a sense of duty.
It's very difficult, but I do it because of a sense of duty.


# Dialogue Practice


A: What is your sistuer up to these days?

B: Oh, she's studying to become a teacher.

A: I see! It would be great to become a teacher. It's a dream job.

B: It's not bad. But it's hard to pass the exam. There's a lot of competition.

A: Can't she become a private school teacher without taking the national test?

B: Yeah, that's one way. But even then, there aren't a lot of job openings.

A: I hope things turn out well for your sister. Tell her I said "good luck."

B: I will. Thanks!


A: 요즘 네 여동생은 뭐 하니?
B: 아, 선생님이 되려고 준비하고 있어.
A: 그렇구나! 교사가 되면 정말 좋겠네. 최고의 직업이잖아.
B: 나쁘지 않지. 그런데, 시험에 합격하는 것이 어려워. 경쟁이 치열해.
A: 국가 시험을 안 보더라도 사립 학교에서 교사를 할 수 있지 않아?
B: 응, 그런 방법도 있지. 그런데 그것도 자리가 많지 않아.
A: 네 동생이 잘되면 좋겠다. 행운을 빈다고 전해 줘.
B: 그렇게 할게. 고마워!


# Key Expressions


what someone is up to ~의 근황
study to become ~이 되기 위해 준비하다
dream job 꿈의 직장
pass an exam 시험에 합격하다
job opening 채용 가능한 일자리
turn out well 잘 풀리다


I was able to land my dream job. * land 이루다?