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[입이트이는영어] Entertainment / 문화생활



# Speech Practice


Talk about the entertainment you engage in your daily life.


No matter how busy I get, I try to make time for entertainment.

Through culture and entertainment, I can enrich my emotions and blow off steam.

I can also create fond memories with the people who are with me.

Most commonly, I watch movies.

I'm not picky about whether it's a Korean or foreign movie.

I watch anything that's fun.

I go to the theater at least once every other month.

I am impressed by the grand scale of Hollywood movies.

Korean movies are quitely moving.

I also sometimes watch plays and musicals.

After I see a good performance, it stays with me for a while.

I have a friend who likes musical performances, so I taged along with her a few times.

I liked how it felt soothing to hear the music.



아무리 바쁘게 살아도 시간을 내서 문화생활을 하려고 노력한다. 문화생활을 통해서 감성이 풍부해지고 스트레스가 풀리기 때문이다. 같이 간 사람들과 즐거운 추억도 만들 수 있다. 가장 흔하게 하는 문화생활은 영화 관람이다. 한국 영화나 외국 영화 가릴 것 없이  재미있는 작품은 어떤 것이든 본다. 최소 두 달에 한 번씩은 영화관에 간다. 할리우드 작품들의 엄청난 스케일에 감탄한다. 한국 영화들은 잔잔한 감동을 준다.  가끔 연극이나 뮤지컬도 보러 간다. 괜찮은 공연을 보고 나면, 한동안 여운이 남는다. 음악 연주회를 좋아하는 친구가 있어서, 몇 번 따라가 봤다. 음악을 들으니 힐링이 되어서 좋았다.


# Key Expressions 


make time for 시간을 내다
enrich emotions 감성을 풍부하게 하다
blow off steam 스트레스를 해소하다
fond memory 좋은 추억
picky about ~에 까다로운
every other 하나 걸러
grand scale 거대한 스케일
quietly moving 잔잔한 감동을 주는
stay with someone ~에게 여운이 남다
tag along with ~을 따라가다
feel soothing 평온하게 해 주다


# Pattern Practice


1) make time for 시간을 내다

No matter how busy I get, I try to make time for entertainment.

At least one the weekends, I try to make time for reading.

You should make time for exercise.


2) blow off steam 스트레스를 해소하다

Through culture and entertainment, I can blow off steam.

I sometimes play video games to blow off steam.

Jogging is a good way to blow off steam.


3) feel soothing 평온하게 해 주다

I liked how it felt soothing to hear the music.

It felt soothing to be in the forest.

The warm soup feels soothing to my stomach.


# Dialogue Practice


A: Do you enjoy plays or musicals?

B: I can't get enough of them! But I can't go often because the tickets are so pricey.

A: Is that so? I got musical tickets from someone I know. Do you want to go?

B: Really? Which musical is it? Do you have the tickets?

A: I think it's pretty well-known. Here, take a look.

B: Wow! This is the talk of the town. I really wanted to see it!

A: Yeah? Then let's go.

B: Are you sure? When's the date? It stars my favorite musical star.


A: 연극이나 뮤지컬을 좋아하니?
B: 엄청 좋아하지! 하지만 표가 너무 비싸서 자주는 못 가.
A: 그래? 내가 아는 분이 뮤지컬 표를 주셨는데, 갈래?
B: 정말? 어떤 작품인데? 표 있어?
A: 꽤 유명한가 봐. 여기, 한번 봐 봐.
B: 와! 이거 장안의 화제야. 나 꼭 보고 싶었는데!
A: 그래? 그럼 같이 가자.
B: 정말? 날짜가 언제야? 내가 정말 좋아하는 뮤지컬 배우가 주연으로 출연해.


# Key Expressions


can't get enough of ~을 계속하게 되다, ~을 정말 좋아하다

pricey 가격이 비싼

well-known 유명한

take a look 한번 보다

the talk of the town 장안의 화제

star 주연으로 출연하다