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[입이트이는영어] Medical Facilities / 의료기관



# STEP 1


Talk about clinics and hospitals.


There are many clinics and hospitals in Korea.

Most neighborhoods have clinics for each medical specialty.

These include clinics for internal medicine, dermatology, orthopedics, OB-GYN, urology, cosmetic surgery, ophthalomology, and pediatrics.

When you get sick, you first receive primary health care at these local clinics.

If the symptoms get worse, or you need a second opinion, you can get a doctor's note and go to a bigger hospital.

Colleges with med schools usually operate a general hospital.

Patients visit these larger hospitals to receive treatment for severe illness or for surgery.



한국에는 병원이 매우 많다. 동네마다 대부분 과별로 병원이 하나씩은 있다. 내과, 피부과, 정형외과, 산부인과, 비뇨기과, 성형외과, 안과, 소아과 등이 있다. 몸이 아프면 일단 이러한 동네 병원에서 1차 진료를 받는다. 증상이 심하거나 다른 의사의 진료가 필요한 경우에는 의사의 소견서를 받아서 더 큰 병원에 가면 된다. 의과 대학을 가지고 있는 대학들은 대부분 종합 병원을 운영한다. 이러한 큰 병원에는 중대 질병 치료나 수술을 받는 환자들이 가게 된다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


medical specialty 전문 의학 분과

OB-GYN 산부인과

cosmetic surgery 성형수술, 성형외과

receive primary health care 1차 진료를 받다

local clinic 동네 병원

receive treatment for ~에 대한 치료를 받다

a second opinion 다른 의사의 진단

doctor's note 의사 소견서

med school 의과 대학

general hospital 종합 병원


# Pattern Practice


1) cosmetic surgery 성형 수술, 성형외과

These include clinics for cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery is very common in Korea.

I received cosmetic surgery while I was in college.


2) local clinic 동네 병원

When you get sick, you first visit these local clinics.

I really like the doctor at our local clinic.

They couldn't treat it at the local clinic.


3) receive treatment for ~에 대한 치료를 받다

Patients visit these larger hospital to receive treatment for severe illness.

You should receive treatment for that right away.

I had to receive treatment for my skin probelm.


# STEP 2


Talk about times when you had to go to the hospital.


A few months ago, I got really sick.

I had a nasty cough, and I was running a fever of 40 degrees.

I couldn't get anything done.

It was late at night, so the local clinics were all closed.

I had to go to the emergency room at a large hospital.

They ran some tests, and found I had influenza A.

I was put on an IV drip to reduce my fever.

I lay still and got some bedrest.

A few hours later, I got a prescription and came home.

I was grateful that there was a large hospital nearby that stayed open around the clock.

I'm thankful that Korea has a great healthcare system.



몇 달 전에 몸이 많이 아팠다. 기침이 심하고 열이 40도까지 올라가서, 아무 것도 할 수 없었다. 심야 시간이라 동네 병원들이 다 문을 닫아서, 큰 병원의 응급실에 가야 했다. 응급실에서 검사를 해 보니 A형 독감 판정이 나왔다. 열을 내리기 위해 링거를 맞고, 침대에 가만히 누워서 안정을 취했다. 몇 시간 후에 약을 처방받아서 집에 왔다. 집 근처에 24시간 여는 큰 병원이 있어서 정말 다행이었다. 우리나라는 의료 시스템이 잘되어 있어서 다행이다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


have a nasty cough 기침이 심하다

run a fever 열이 나다

get something done ~을 처리하다

emergency room 응급실

run some tests 검사를 하다

be put on an IV drip 링거를 맞다

reduce a fever 열을 내리다

get some bedrest 침대에서 안정을 취하다

get a presciption 처방을 받다

around the clock 하루 24시간 내내


# Pattern Practice


1) have a nasty cough 기침이 심하다

A few months ago, I got really sick and I had a nasty cough.

I had a nasty cough all weekend.

When I have a nasty cough, I drink a lot of warm tea.


2) be put on an IV drip 링거를 맞다

I was put on an IV drip to reduce my fever.

I'm afraid of needles, so I didn't want to be put on an IV drip.

They wiped my arm with alcohol before I was put on an IV drip.


3) get some bedrest 침대에서 안정을 취하다

I lay still and got some bedrest.

I needed to get some bedrest, but I was too busy.

The only cure is to get some bedrest.


# Expression of the Day


You have no excuse.  핑곗거리가 없어.  
A: Are you still sick? Why haven't you gone to the hospital?
B: I was going to go, but I have to prepare for the 3 o'clock meeting.
A: I'll postpone the meeting to tomorrow. Now you have no excuse.
B: Okay, I'll go right now. Thanks for taking care of me.

A: 너 아직도 아픈 거니? 왜 병원에는 안 간 거야?
B: 가려고 했는데, 3시에 하는 회의 준비를 해야 돼서.
A: 회의를 내일로 연기할게. 이젠 핑곗거리가 없어.
B: 알았어, 자금 바로 갈게. 챙겨 줘서 고마워.