# STEP 1
Talk about different types of loans.
People take out loans at the bank for various reasons.
A major example is when they borrow money to buy a house.
Buying a house requires a large lumps sum, so most people take out a mortgage with their house as collateral.
Students also take out student loans in my cases to pay for school.
They get a loan at a low interest rate to go to school.
After graduation, they pay back the loan when they begin work.
When people need money in an emergency, they can get a loan on credit.
If someone has a low credit rating, they might have to borrow money from a non-banking financial institution or get a P2P loan.
사람들은 다양한 이유로 은행에서 대출을 받는다. 가장 대표적인 예로는 주택을 구매할 때 대출을 받는 경우다. 주택 구매에는 목돈이 들어가기 때문에 집을 담보로 대출을 받는다. 학생들도 등록금을 내기 위해서 학자금 대출을 받는 경우가 많다. 저금리로 대출을 받아 학교를 다니고, 졸업 후에 일을 시작하면서 대출을 갚아 나간다. 돈이 급하게 필요할 때는 신용 대출을 받을 수 있다. 신용 등급이 낮은 경우에는 제2 금융권에서 돈을 빌리거나 P2P 대출을 받아야 할 수도 있다.
# Key Vocabulary & Expressions
take out a loan 대출을 받다
large lump sum 목돈
take out a mortgage 담보 대출을 받다
as collateral 담보로
student loan 학자금 대출
pay for school 학비를 내다
at a low interest rate 낮은 금리로
pay back a loan 대출을 갚다
in an emergency 급한 상황에
get a loan on credit 신용 대출을 받다
credit rating 신용 등급
non-banking financial institution 제2 금융권
# Pattern Practice
1) take out a loan 대출을 받다
People take out loans at the bank for various reasons.
We took out a loan to buy a car.
I can't buy that apartment unless I take out a loan.
2) pay for school 학비를 내다
Students also get loans in many cases to pay for school.
I got a part-time job to pay for school.
She received a scholarship, so she didn't have to pay for school.
3) credit rating 신용 등급
Someone with a low credit rating, might not be able to borrow money from a bank.
Her credit rating was too low for a credit card.
The interest to(you) pay depends on your credit rating.
# STEP 2
Talk about what P2P loans are.
When someone needs a loan, it's customary to visit a bank.
But borrowing money from a bank can be tricky, and it takes a long time.
Some people can't get a loan at all.
They go to a financial institution other than a bank.
However, the sky-high interest rates make it difficult to pay back the loan.
P2P loans are tailor-made for these people.
P2P loans do not involve financial institutions.
Instead, they use an online platform where individuals can give or receive loans.
P2P is short for "peer to peer."
Of course, P2P loans also go through an agency.
When a loan is made, the loanee pays interest on the loan as a return on the investment for the loaner.
The agency collects a handling fee.
대출이 필요하면, 일반적으로 은행을 찾아간다. 하지만 은행에서 돈울 빌리려면 심사가 오래 걸리고 까다로워서, 대출을 전혀 못 받는 사람도 있다. 은행 외에 다른 금융 기관에 가면, 금리가 높아서 대출 상환 부담이 크다. 이러한 사람들을 위해 고안된 것이 바로 P2P 대출이다. P2P는 금융 기관을 거치지 않고, 온라인 플랫폼에서 개인들끼리 직집 돈을 빌려주고 빌리는 대출이다. '개인과 개인 간 (Peer to peer)의 약자다. 물른 P2P 대출도 중개 기관을 거치기는 한다. 대출이 성사되면. 돈을 빌린 사람이 낸 이자가 사람의 투자 수익으로 이어진다. 중개 기관은 수수료를 받는다.
# Key Vocabulary & Expressions
it's customary to ~하는 것이 일반적이다
be tricky 까다롭다
sky-high 매우 높은
be tailor-made for ~에 최적화되다, 딱 적절하다
online platform 온라인 플랫폼
be short for ~의 줄임말이다
go through an agency 중개 기관을 거치다
interest on a loan 대출 이자
return on an investment 투자 수익
handling fee 취급 수수료
# Pattern Practice
1) be tricky 까다롭다
Borrowing money from a bank can be tricky, and it takes a long time.
Getting a parking permit can be tricky.
It was very tricky, but someone had to do it.
2) be tailor-made for ~에 최적화되다, 딱 적절하다
P2P loans are tailor-made for these people.
That laptop is tailor made for garners.
The restaurant was tailor-made for my tastes.
3) return on an investment 투자 수익
Users can lead money and earn a return on the investment.
A year passed before I saw a return on the investment.
The return on my investment was smaller than I had expected.
# Expression of the Day
It's a weight off my shoulders. 정말 후련해.
A: You look like you're in a good mood today. What's up?
B: l finally paid off my student loans. I'm free now!
A: Wow, you must be really happy. How does it feel?
B: It's a weight off my shoulders.
A: 너 오늘 기분이 좋아 보인다. 무슨 일이야?
B: 마침내 학자금 대출을 다 갚았어. 이제 자유라고!
A: 우와, 진짜 기쁘겠구나. 기분이 어때?
B: 정말 후련해.
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