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[입이트이는영어] Kimchi / 김치



# STEP 1


Talk about kimchi.

Kimchi is a staple food of Korea.

The most common kind is cabbage kimchi.

However, there are a whopping 100 types of kimchi, or more.

Each region of Korea has a unique style of kimchi.

Kimchi is packed with nutrients.

Some people believe that kimchi is the reason the life expectancy in Korea is much higher than the world average.

Above all, kimchi is very delicious.

That's why it's gaining popularity among foodies all over the world.



김치는 한국의 가장 대표적인 음식이다. 김치 하면 대표적으로 배추김치가 떠오른다. 그러나 김치의 종류는 무려 100여 가지가 넘는다. 한국은 지역별로 특색 있는 김치가 있다. 김치에는 영양분 힘량이 높다. 힌국인들의 평균 수명이 세계 평균보다 상당히 높은 이유가 김치 때문이라는 사람들이 있을 정도다. 무엇보다 맛이 정말 좋아서, 전 세계의 미식가들이 즐겨 먹는 음식으로 자리를 잡아 가고 있다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


staple food 주식, 대표적인 음식

a whopping 자그마치, 엄청난

unique style of 독특한 형태의

be packed with nutrients 영양분 함량이 높다

life expectancy 평균 수명

gain popularity 인기를 얻다

foodie 미식가


# Pattern Practice


1) staple food 주식, 대표적인 음식

Kimchi is a staple food of Korea.

Rice is a staple food in(of도 가능) many Asian countries.

Different cultures have different staple foods.


2) be packed with nutrients 영양분 함량이 높다

Kimchi is packed with nutrients.

It doesn't taste great, but it is packed with nutrients.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients.


3) foodie 미식가

Kimchi is popular among foodies all over the world.

My wife is a foodie, so she usually chooses where to eat.

He is such a foodie that he sometimes travels just to eat.


# STEP 2


Talk about how people get their kimchi in Korea.


These days, people often buy kimchi when they pick up groceries.

You can order it online, and services will deliver it to you the very next day.

The flavor and quality of store-bought kimchi is getting better and better.

But for a long time, there has been a custom of making kimchi at home.

In particular, getting together as a group and making it in November is called kimjang.

It's a major year-end event.

Families and neighbors traditionally make kimchi together and take what they need.

Kimchi made this way is stored in kimchi refrigerators in most homes.

People eat it during the winter months.



요즘은 장을 볼 때 김치를 사는 경우가 많다. 인터넷으로 김치를 주문하면, 바로 다음 날 배송해 주는 서비스들도 있다. 사 먹는 김치의 맛과 품질이 점점 좋아지고 있다. 그러나 예로부터 집에서 김치를 담그는 풍습이 있었다. 특히 11월에 다 같이 모여서 김치를 담그는 것을 '김장' 이라고 한다. 제법 큰 연말 행사 중 하나다. 가족들이나 아웃들이 함께 김치를 만들고 필요한 만큼 가져간다. 이렇게 담근 김치는 대부분의 가정에 있는 김치 냉장고에 담아 보관한다. 그리고 겨울 내내 몇 달 동안 먹는다.


# Key Vocabulary & Expressions


pick up groceries (식료품점에서) 장을 보다

order something online ~을 인터넷으로 주문하다

the very next day 바로 다음 날

store-bought 가게에서 구입한

get together as a group 단체로 모이다

year-end event 연말행사

during the winter months 겨울철에


# Pattern Practice


1) pick up groceries (식료품점에서) 장을 보다

These days, people often buy kimchi when they pick up groceries.

I stopped at the store after work to pick up groceries.

We usually pick up groceries together on the weekends.


2) the very next day 바로 다음 날

Services will deliver kimchi to you the very next day.

I decided to visit the restaurant the very next day.

After the blind date, he called me the very next day.


3) get together as a group 단체로 모이다

Getting together as a group and making kimchi in November is called kimjang.

As we get older, it's harder to get together as a group.

We got together as a group for a picnic at the park.


# Expression of the Day


You're out of touch. 시대에 뒤떨어지네. 

A: I took my Portuguese friend to a kimchi jjigae place yesterday.
B: Really? I thought foreigners don't like how kimchi smells.
A: You're out of touch. Kimchi is popular all over the world now.
B: That's good news. It really is delicious food.

A: 나 어제 포르투갈 친구를 김치찌개 집에 데리고 가 봤다.
B: 진짜? 외국인들은 김치 냄새를 싫어하는 줄 알았는데.
A: 시대에 뒤떨어지네. 요즘은 김치가 세계적으로 인기라고.
B: 그것 참 좋은 소식이다. 워낙 맛있는 음식이잖아.