ENGLISH (258) 썸네일형 리스트형 [입이트이는영어] Korean Pizzas / 한국의 피자 2020.05.01 # Study Group Questions 1. Describe your favorite kind of pizza. 2. Share tips for storing and reheating pizza. 3. Do you prefer eating pizza at a restaurant, or at home? Explain your preferene. # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about Korean pizzas. Pizza is a popular dining option in Korea. It's one of the most common types of Western cuisine. Most major pizza chains from overseas have brances .. [입이트이는영어] Buddha's Birthday / 석가탄신일 2020.04.30 # Study Group Questions 1. How is Buddha's Birthday similar to Christmas? How are they different? 2. What are some other interesting holidays in Korea? 3. What do people like to do on Buddha's Birthday? # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about Budda's Birthday in Korea. Way back in the past, Buddhism was Korea's national religion. Perhaps that's why there are still a lot of Buddhists in Korea to .. [입이트이는영어] Overseas Online Shopping / 해외직구 2020.04.29 # Study Group Questions 1. What types of items do people buy from online overseas sites? 2. Why do you think overseas online shopping has become so common in recent years? 3. What are some things you buy that are hard to find in Korea? # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about overseas online shopping. More and more people are buying things directly from overseas shopping sites. It's because lots .. [입이트이는영어] Musical Instruments / 악기 2020.04.28 # Study Group Questions 1. Is there an instrument you would like to learn how to play? Why are you interested in it? 2. What are some common types of lessons people receive when they are young? 3. Is it possible to learn to play an instrument at an old age? Why do you feel that way? # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about learning to play a musical instrument. I have taken music lessons since I .. [입이트이는영어] Salad / 샐러드 2020.04.27 # Study Group Questions 1. Share some tips for making a salad more delicious or interesting. 2. Why do people usually eat salads? Is it for their health? The flavor? 3. Do you think a salad is appropriate as an entire meal? Why or why not? # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about salads. More and more, eating vegetables is considered to be healthy. That's why demand for salads is on the rise. A l.. [입이트이는영어] Digestion Problems / 소화불량 2020.04.23 # Study Group Questions 1. What are some common reasons people develop digestion problems? 2. Describe the most effective way to cure indigestion. 3. What are some traditional remedies for indigestion? Do you think they are effective? # SPEECH PRACTICE Last week, I had an upset stomach because of something I ate. I had a rough time. I was so busy with work that I was really stressed o.. [입이트이는영어] Credit Cards / 신용카드 2020.04.22 # Study Group Questions 1. Do you prefer cash, credit cards, or debit cards? Explain why. 2. How do you avoid using your credit card too much? 3. What are some common credit card membership benefits? # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about credit cards. Credit cards let people buy things on credit. Even if they don't have money on them, they can still pay. They pay back the amount they spent the.. [입이트이는영어] Sushi / 초밥 2020.04.25 # Study Group Questions 1. Describe your favorite ways to eat fish or seafood. 2. Why do you think only sushi is sold by the conveyor belt system? 3. Where is your favorite place to eat sushi? Explain why you like it so much. # SPEECH PRACTICE Talk about sushi. I can't get enough of sushi. It's a convenient way to eat all sorts of seafood, and it tastes great. It's also a very healthy.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 ··· 33 다음