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[입이트이는영어] Environmental pollution / 환경오염

입이트이는영어(11.26) - Environmental pollution




There are many factors that contirube to environmental pollution. 기여하다

Toxic gases from the factories and car exaust are the primary causes of the  air pollution

Industrial and domestic 폐수 suage pollute the rivers and oceans.

When the water becomes polluted, it takes a heavy toll on plants and animals. 큰 피해를 입히다

Also, it takes forever for water to recover spin contaminated.

The various types of trash we produced are all formed

The trash destroys the environment and harms living creatures.


1) primary cause of ~ 의 주범이다

Smoking is a  primary casue of cancer.

We still don'tknow the primary cause of the probelm.


takes a heavy toll on ~에 큰 피해를 입히다

The job took heavy toll on my health.

All vacation


3) take forever 오래 걸리다

The food took forever, but it was really delicous.




Global Warming and Climate Change

Green house gases absurbed infrared 적외선 radient energy stroing heat and releasing it to earth.

It create a natural green house effect

ITs' necessary to maintain the earth temperature.

CO2 or carbon is the most well known among green house gases 

However industrial activity is releasing green house gases in excessive amounts leading to global warming

Record breaking heat waves that across the globe recently are examples

pollar ice caps are melting leading to rising sealevels.

Climate change is being felt 감지된다 in various regions.

Extreme natural disasters are ocurring on a more frequent basis.


1) green house effect 온실 효과

We cant keep ignoring the green house effect


2) Record breaking heat waves 기록적 폭염

broke during record breaking heat waves

During the record breaking heat waves


3) on a more frequent basis 빈번하게

I can't afford to travel on a frequent basis.




We are running out of time. 시간이 없어.