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[Easy Writing] 소셜미디어: 아이를 위한 기부 부탁

Easy Writing(19.11.27) - 소셜미디어: 아이를 위한 기부 부탁


pay for something ~에 대한 비용을 내다

I already paid for these batteries.

You still have to pay for this service.

Did you pay for this plastic bag? *비닐봉지




rare 희귀한

auto immune disorder 자가 면역 질환

unemployed 실직한

single mom = singler mother (more formal)

resource 자산

treatment 치료

undergo 겪다

recovery 회복




be diagnosed with <병명> ~라는 병을 진단받다

The patient was diagonosed with diabetes. *당뇨

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, we can help.


raise funds 기금을 모으다

They raised funds to help children with artism. 자폐증

We are raising funds to support her.


be desperate for 명사 ~을 간절히 바라다, ~에 대해 간절하다

We are desperate for your advice.

I am desperate for your love.



Let's start writing!




I am a mother who recently left my job to take care of my son. *take care of = look after

Last month, he was diagnosed with a rare auto immune disorder called Lufas.

As an employed single mother, I do not have enough resources to pay for his treatment.

I am raising funds to cover the treatment that he must undergo every three days. *every three days = 3일마다

I am desperate for your donations; Any amount will greatly contribute to his recovery. *contribute to ~에 기여하다

*관련성 있고 짧은 두 문장을 쓸때 ; (세미콜론)을 사용한다.