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[Easy Writing] 소셜미디어: 기부 부탁에 대한 응답

get back on one's feet 회복하다, (힘든 상황에서) 나아지다
I hope you get back on your feet soon.
It took him a long time to get back on his feet.
I know that your daughter will get back on her feet soon.



niece (여자) 조카
nephew (남자) 조카
though 이지만
account 계좌, 계정
lose 잃다 (loose 느슨하다)
hope 희망
precious 소중한



sympathize with ~와 공감하다 (감정적으로)
I can sympathize with her because I have the same problem.
I just want you to know that we all sympathize with you.

I wish S V (평서문 과거) ~였으면 좋을텐데 (그렇지 못하다)
I wish I could lend you more money. (but I can't)
I wish I were you. (but i can't.)

May 명사 be with 목적어 명사(주로 God)가 목적어와 함께 하길
May god be with you all.
May his peace be with her.



1) I can sympathize with you because I, too, have a 7-year-old niece who has the same condition.

2) Though it's not much, I have sent some money to your account. I hope it helps.
*help 뒤에 목적어 없이 쓰면 그냥 도움이 되길 바란다 라는 의미로 쓰임

3) I wish I could send you more. I'm sorry.
*can 이 아니라 could 로 써야함

4) Don't lose hope. Your precious boy will get back on his feet soon.
(=will recover soon)

5) May God's love be with you.