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[입이트이는영어] Camping / 캠핑



# Study Group Questions

1. Explain the differences and similarities between camping and glamping.
2. Why do you think camping has become so popular in recent years?
3. Describe some things you like to do on vacation.



Talk about camping.


It's been quite a while since camping began to catch on in Korea.

Nowadays, lots of people go camping on a regular basis.

Due to this trend, demand for camping equipment has also taken off.

In the past, people randomly pitched tents at beaches or riverside and spend time there.

But these days, there are many designated camping sites.

So, many campers gather at such sites.

Amenities like power outlets and running water have really gotten better.

People who like creature comforts also use caravans or campers.

It's important to keep in mind that camping sites are public spaces.

You should try not to turn up your music or make too much noise late at night.

You should also pick up after yourself before you leave the sites.



한국에서 캠핑의 인기가 높아지기 시작한지도 꽤 되었다. 이제는 정기적으로 캠핑을 가는 사람들이 매우 많아졌다. 이러한 추세에 따라 캠핑 용품 수요도 엄청나게 높아졌다. 
예전에는 바닷가나 강변에 자유롭게 텐트를 치고 그곳에서 시간을 보냈다. 그러나 지금은 전용 캠핑장이 많이 생겨서 여러 캠핑족들이 한자리에 모이는 경우가 많다. 전기 콘센트나 수돗물 등 캠핑장의 편의시설이 매우 좋아졌다. 안락한 것을 좋아하는 사람들은 여러 형태의 캠핑카를 이용하기도 한다.
캠핑장은 여럿이 함께 머무는 공간이므로, 밤 늦게까지 너무 시끄럽게 음악을 틀거나 큰 소음을 내지 말아야 한다. 또한, 집에 갈 때는 주변을 깨끗하게 정리해야 한다.


# Key Expressions

quite a while 상당한 시간
catch on 유행하기 시작하다
go camping 캠핑을 가다
on a regular basis 주기적으로
due to this trend 이러한 추세에 따라
camping equipment 캠핑 장비
take off 매우 높아지다
randomly 무작위로, 임의로
pitch a tent 텐트를 치다
designated camping site 지정 캠핑장
camper 캠핑족/차량 일체형 캠핑카
amenities 편의시설
power outlets 전기 콘센트
running water 수돗물
creature comforts 안락하게 해 주는 것
caravan 견인형 캠핑카
public space 공공장소
turn up one's music 음악 소리를 키우다
make too much noise 너무 시끄럽게 하다
pick up after oneself 뒷정리를 하다

# Pattern Practice


1) catch on 유행하기 시작하다

Camping began to catch on in Korea.

That style is starting to catch on.

The trend is really catching on these days.


2) creature comforts 안락하게 해 주는 것

People who like creature comforts use caravans.

The room had all the creature comforts I wanted.

I dont't need a lot of creature comforts in my life.


3) pick up after oneself 뒷정리를 하다

You should pick up after yourself before you leave.

My kids never pick up after themselves.

I didn't have time to pick up after myself.


# Dialogue Practice

A: What did you do last weekend?
B: I went camping with my family.
A: Oh, really? I heard camping is all the rage these days.
B: You're right. I took it up last year. It's really great.
A: Did you buy all the camping equipment you need?
B: No. I don't need much because I mostly go to places that provide all the facilities.
A: Oh, you mean there are all-inclusive camping sites?
B: Yeah, that's it. You know, what people refer to as 'glamping.'

A: 지난 주말에 뭐 했니?
B: 가족들과 캠핑 갔다 왔어.
A: 아, 정말? 요즘 많이들 간다고 하던데.
B: 맞아. 나도 작년부터 가기 시작했는데, 너무 좋아.
A: 필요한 캠핑 용품도 다 샀어?
B: 아니. 주로 캠핑 시설이 다 되어 있는 곳으로 가니까 많이 필요 없어.
A: 아, 필요한 것이 전부 제공되는 캠핑장이 있어?
B: 응, 맞아. 글램핑이라고 부르는 거 있잖아.
# Key Expressions 

all the rage 크게 유행하는 것
take something up ~하기 시작하다
camping equipment 캠핑 장비
all-inclusive 모든 것이 포함된
refer to as ~이라 부르다