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[19/10/08] Easy Writing ■ Key expression as soon as S V ~하자 마자 As soon as you left, your mother called. = Your mother called as soon as you left. Let's eat something as soon as we arrived in NY. My dog started barking as soon as he saw the intruder. ■ Key words (investigate 보다 라이트한) look into 조사하다 sales rep = sales representative 판매원 in charge 책임지고 있는 sale 판매 verbally 말로 document 서류 (paperwork는 추상적인 개념) contract 계약서 ma..
[30-Day Challenge][Day 21] Writing 10 sentence 10/08 ■10 sentences 1. Let's hit up the mall - I'm sure we can find a nice present for parents. 2. I'm not sure if I can make it to his housewarming party. Either way, I'll let you know before hand. 3. They seemed to get their wires crossed too easily and she didn't want that to happen now. 4. It was not very cold at that time of the year. 한 해 중 그 시기에는 춥지 않았다.*at that time of 5. Please let us kn..
[Opic] Shopping Shopping / 쇼핑 입이 트이는 영어 (2019.10.08) #1 In the past, I went to offline stores to buy things. I bought clothes at department store or di!scount store and I bought groceries at supermaket. But nowadays, I shop online very often and it has become the norm. *has become the norm 일상이 됐다, 당연하게 됐다. If i buy a type of food regularly, I order it online and have it delivered. All I have to do is just to pi..
[19/10/07] Easy Writing ■ Key expression have been 명사 ~해 왔다(=지금도 ~다) We have been business partners for the last 10 years. She has been my best friend for the past 30 years. It has been my pleasure to serve you. ■ Key words bill 청구서 (=invoice) quite 꽤 initially 초기에 sign up 신청하다 sales representative 판매원 (=sale rep) mislead 잘못이끌다 ■ Further expressions get a discount on 명사 I got a discount on my new car. You can get a hug..
[30-Day Challenge][Day 20] Writing 10 sentences 10/07 ■10 sentences Keep your mind open to new experiences. If you use this coupon, you can get a huge discount on smartphone products. I would not be eligible provided I failed this test. You look upset about this evaluation. He took her hand offering his condelences. This TV show will keep you up to date with fashion. His comment does not bring anything new to the table. That reminds me, I nee..
[라이브아카데미토들러] "끼니를 때우다", "귀찮아서 배달시켜먹다" "오늘 아침에 일어나서 배가 꽤(좀) 고프더라고요. 보통은 한 주 동안 먹고 남은 음식이 있어서 그걸로 대충 때울텐데, 오늘 아침에 보니까 아무것도 없더라고요. 뭐 해먹기 귀찮아서 그냥 뭐 배달시켜 먹었어요." "I got up this morning and I was feeling pretty(a little) hungry. Usually, I would have some leftovers from other stuff (that) I ate throughout the week and I would just scrounge. But this morning(today) when I checked, I had nothing and I really didn't feel like cooking anything..
[30-Day Challenge][Day 19] Writing 10 sentences 10/03 ■ 10 sentences In the event of holidy, yoga class is canceled. In the event that the performances is canceled, you can get your money back. Take care of your check-ups in a timely fashion, if you want to avoid an emergency. The service did not respond in a timely fashion I hope my presents for my brother gets through to his new house as soon as possible. I tried to call her but couldn't ge..
[19/10/02] Easy Writing ■ Key expressions get 목 to sleep ~을 재우다 after getting his baby(kids) to sleep, he started having a cup of coffee. ■ Further expression give out 나눠주다 The ceo gave out awesome prizes S have every right to 모든 권리가 있다. you have every right to say no They have every right to be angry. feel obligated to ~할 의무감을 느끼다 you dont have to feel obligated to buy anything. I dont' want my boyfriend feel obligate..