■ Key expressions
get 목 to sleep
~을 재우다
after getting his baby(kids) to sleep, he started having a cup of coffee.
■ Further expression
give out 나눠주다
The ceo gave out awesome prizes
S have every right to 모든 권리가 있다.
you have every right to say no
They have every right to be angry.
feel obligated to ~할 의무감을 느끼다
you dont have to feel obligated to buy anything.
I dont' want my boyfriend feel obligated to wear this shirt.
■ 5 Sentences
Tip1. Turning off porch lights is the unofficial signal to trick-or-treaters that you don't have candy.
Tip2. If you have a baby that you are trying to get to sleep, make sure you post signs on the front door
*make sure S V ~을 꼭 하세요.
Tip3. Go out for the evening childeren accompanied by thier parents start trick or treating in the mid afternoon
*go out 외출하다
Tip4. Ignore the doorbell. You have every right to turn anyone away if you aren't giving out any candy.
*be -ing 앞으로 할 확정된 사실 (진행형 아님)
Tip5. Don't feel obligated to give out candy. It is not a requirement. Don't feel guity either.
캔디를 나눠줄 의무감을 느끼지 마세요.
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