ENGLISH/EASY WRITING (EBS) (64) 썸네일형 리스트형 [19/10/18] Easy Writing be proud of 명사 ~가 자랑스럽다 I'm proud of my daughter and my son. We're proud of your success. I'm not proud of what I did. ★Key Words 사실 fact ~에서 1위를 하다 top (the chart) 따라 부르다 sing along (to) 방식 how 소원 wish ★Key Expressions tens of thousands of 몇 *만*의 There were tens of thousands of fans in the stadium. Tens of thousands of people gathered to welcome the hero. in unison 일제히, 다같이 Everyone shout it "L.. [19/10/17] Easy Writing may/might as well V ~차라리 하는게 더 낫겠다 might을 구어체에서 더 많이 씀 We may as well finish off this pie. ★Key Words 상투적인 cliche 적어도 at least 기괴한 freaky (more scary) 조금 a bit 오싹한 creepy (소름돋는) 극단적인 extreme ★Key Expressions as far as I am concerned 제가 알기로는.. as far as I am concerned, they haven't decided on a venue yet. as far as I am concerned, she doesn't work here any longer. in 명사 ~을 입은, ~을 입고 I just saw a .. [19/10/16] Easy Writing wear 명 to somewhere ~에 ~을 입고가다 What did you wear to your brother's wedding? I am going to wear a black suit to the graduation party. Don't tell me that you wore that white tuxedo to the interview. ★Key Words wear 걸친상태 (*put on 행동) straight 연속으로 (=in a row) frankly 솔직하게 maybe 아마, 어쩌면 ridiculous 이상한, 말도안되는 suggestion 제안 Go ahead. 그렇게 해. 어서 해. throw 던지다 ★Key Expressions grow (gradually 변하는) 차츰 ~하기 .. [19/10/14] Easy Writing 10/14 have not pp ~한 적이 없다. I havent'met her parents yet. My mother hasn't used a smartphone before. My girl friend and I have never had argument before. ★Key Words 결혼 marriage 기쁨 pleasure 배우자 other half 바로 그것 the one ★Key Expressions on behalf of 명사 ~를 대신하여, 대표하여 Can I attend the meeting on behalf of my boss? On behalf of my department, i'd like to say thank you. Congratulate 사람 on 명사 ~에게 ~를 축하.. [19/10/11] Easy Writing make fun of ~을 (심하게) 놀리다 (cf.tease 짖궂게하다) - Did you make fun of my little sister? - Stop making fun of my clothes! - Why do you always make fun of my dance moves? Key Words 친구 buddy 통통한 chubby 확실히 definitely 마음먹은 determined I'm determined todo something 지방이 많은 fatty 팔굽혀펴기 push-up 맙소사 jeez=geez 그래도 though Key Expressions 1. just around the corner : very near; soon to happen Christmas is just arou.. [19/10/09] Easy Writing ◆ Key expression A as well as B B뿐 아니라 A도 We sell sofas as well / as beds. The mind needs excercise as well / as the body She possesses high intelligene as well as beauty. ◆ Key words delicious 맛있는 pancake 팬케익 (복수형으로 많이 쓰임 pancakes) omelet stamp 도장 meal 식사 excluded 제외된 collect 모으다 finger-licking (good) 손가락을 핥을정도로 (맛있는) ◆ Further expressions for free 무료로 She throw in some samples for free. *throw.. [19/10/08] Easy Writing ■ Key expression as soon as S V ~하자 마자 As soon as you left, your mother called. = Your mother called as soon as you left. Let's eat something as soon as we arrived in NY. My dog started barking as soon as he saw the intruder. ■ Key words (investigate 보다 라이트한) look into 조사하다 sales rep = sales representative 판매원 in charge 책임지고 있는 sale 판매 verbally 말로 document 서류 (paperwork는 추상적인 개념) contract 계약서 ma.. [19/10/07] Easy Writing ■ Key expression have been 명사 ~해 왔다(=지금도 ~다) We have been business partners for the last 10 years. She has been my best friend for the past 30 years. It has been my pleasure to serve you. ■ Key words bill 청구서 (=invoice) quite 꽤 initially 초기에 sign up 신청하다 sales representative 판매원 (=sale rep) mislead 잘못이끌다 ■ Further expressions get a discount on 명사 I got a discount on my new car. You can get a hug.. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 다음