ENGLISH/EASY WRITING (EBS) (64) 썸네일형 리스트형 [19/10/31] Easy Writing It's crystal clear S V ~라는 사실이 아주 명백하다. It's crystal clear that you are nervous to see him. It's crystal clear that they are trying to hide the evidence. It was crystal clear that she was trying to get over him. *get over 잊다 Key Words show 보여주다 shining 빛나는 splendid 멋진 (=wonderful) tell 말해주다 (tell someone something) heart 마음 decide 결정하다 (참고로 determine 은 판단하다, ~이 맞다고 판단하다 의 의미로 decide와 다름) fantast.. [19/10/30] Easy Writing 비교급 형용사 + than ever 무엇보다/어느때보다 ~하다 Today is colder than ever. You look more beautiful than ever. The patient's condition is better than ever. ★Key Words fancy 화려한 goblin 도깨비 refreshment 보통은 음료지만 스낵포함 serve 차리다 ★Key Expressions 1) you are free to V 당신은 마음껏 ~해도 됩니다. 2) Don't V ~ 하지마 Dont sell my car while I'm gone 3) go all out = do my best 최선을 다하다, 전력을 다하다 If I went all out, I could break his rec.. [19/10/29] Easy Writing what do you think V ~? 무엇이 ~한다고 생각하나요? What do you think makes me sad? 무엇이 날 슬프게 만든다고 생각하나요? What do you think is my favorite food? What do you think killed the alian? ★Key Words 최종의 final 제안하다 suggest 자주묻는질문 fAQ (=Frequently Asked Questions) 다음와 같은 as follows : 효과적인 effective 약점 weakness 강점 strength 팀으로 in teams ★Key Expressions what do you consider to be~? 무엇을 ~라고 여기나요? what do you consider to.. [19/10/28] Easy Writing I can't help but that S V ~하지 않을 수 없다 I can't help but think that this is the greatest opportunity ever. I can't help but wonder why no one tried to save him. I can't help but smile every time I see my baby. ★Key Words collaboration 협력 unique 독특한 vintage 빈티지인 on request 요청시에 create 창출하다 powerful 강력한 synergy 시너지 ★Key Expressions the reason S V ~인 이유 The reason I am here is to defend Mr.Jackson. T.. [19/10/24] Easy Writing turn into N ~로 변하다 The scientist turned into a green monster. In a flash, he turned into a squid. The argument turned into a street fight. 말다툼이 싸움으로 번졌다. ★Key Words 주인 master 부여하다, 주다 grant wow : to make someone feel great excitement or admiration 사치스러운, 화려한 extravagant *extravagant costume 탈 것 ride 놀라운 것 wonder 괴롭히다, 협박하다 / 괴롭히는 사람 bully (사실을)밝히다 reveal ★Key Expressions present 목 with 명사 ~에게 ~을.. [19/10/23] Easy Writing trick someone into -ing ~를 속여서 ~하게 만들다. ★Key Words orphan 고아 rescue 구출하다 befriend ~와 친구와 되다 palace 궁전 supposedly 원래 ~여야 하는 (d 묵음) overthrow 타도하다 summon 소환하다 ★Key Expressions be sick of 명사 ~이 지긋지긋한 I'm sick of your negative attitude. Aren't you sick of the way your boss treats you? yearn to V ~하기를 갈망하다. (want 보다 강한) She yearned to go back to where she came from. Emily yearned to find out who her .. [19/10/22] Easy Writing adept at ~에 능숙한 I'm adept at developing website. The salesman is adept at negotiating with customers. People say that I'm adept at problem solving. ★Key Words 이전의 previous=before 직업 연수 work placement (like a internship) +) A work placement is a period of supervised work, where you’ll have the opportunity to experience working in a specific role with a company. particulars 서면정보 (복수형으로) +) details.. [19/10/21] Easy Writing I would be happy/excited to V 기꺼이 ~할 거에요. I would be happy to assist you. I would be happy to work with you for the upcoming project. we would be happy to answer your questions. ★Key Words 컴퓨터 공학 computer science 현재 currently 인턴십 internship 얻다 gain 유동성있는 flexible 부서 department 자리, 위치 position 적합한 suitable ★Key Expressions major in 명사 ~을 전공하다 I majored in Information Systems in college. I didn't .. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 다음