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[입이트이는영어] Internet Usage during Overseas Trips / 해외여행 중 인터넷 사용



# Study Group Questions

1. What do you use your smartphone for when you travel overseas?
2. Share some tips for finding free Wi-Fi access while traveling.
3. How can users save money on data roaming fees?


Talk about how to use the Internet while traveling overseas.
해외여행 중 인터넷 사용에 대해 이야기해 주세요.

Traveling overseas has become a very common thing these days, and we sometimes need to use our communication devices abroad. Korea is such a wired country that we have a lot of options. Most commonly, we can use overseas data roaming on our phones. If you have a mobile data plan that allows overseas roaming, you can use your phone abroad at a reasonable price.
Another method is to use a pocket Wi-Fi device. You can reserve the device and pick it up at the airport. You can then get a personal Wi-Fi connection overseas. There are several data plans with different limits and prices. You can drop off the device at the airport on your way back.


해외여행이 매우 보편화된 요즘, 외국에서 통신 기기를 사용해야 하는 일이 종종 있다. 통신 기술이 발달된 나라답게 한국에서는 선택의 폭이 넓은데, 가장 대표적으로는 휴대 전화를 해외 로밍해서 사용하는 방법이 있다. 해외 로밍이 가능한 데이터 요금제를 선택하면 비교적 저렴한 가격으로 해외에서도 휴대 전화 사용이 가능하다.
그 밖에도 와이파이 도시락을 이용하는 방법이 있다. 와이파이 도시락 기기를 예약하고 공항에서 수령하면 된다. 그러면 해외에서 본인만의 와이파이 사용이 가능하다. 여러 가지 요금제에 따라 사용 가능한 데이터 한도와 가격이 다르다. 와이파이 도시락은 귀국하면서 공항에 반납하면 된다.

# Key Expressions

a very common thing 매우 보편적인 것
communication device 통신 기기
wired country 정보 통신이 발달된 국가
have a lot of options 선택의 폭이 넓다
overseas data roaming 해외 데이터 로밍
mobile data plan 모바일 데이터 요금제
at a reasonable price 합리적인 가격으로
pocket Wi-Fi device 와이파이 도시락
pick something up ~을 수령하다
drop off ~을 반납하다
on one's way back 귀국하는 길에

# Pattern Practice 

1. have a lot of options 선택의 폭이 넓다
Korea is such a wired country what we have a lot of options.
You don't have a lot of options with so little money.
We didn't have a lot of options, so we just chose this one.

2. mobile data plan 모바일 데이터 요금제
Some people have a mobile data plan that allows overseas roaming.
I think this mobile data plan is too expensive.
I can't decide which mobile data plan is best for me.

3. pick something up ~을 수령하다
You can reserve the device and pick it up at the airport.
If you're too busy to pick it up, they can deliver it to you.
I dropped by the store and picked up some groceries on my way home.

# Dialogue Practice

A: Are you going to use data roaming when you go overseas?
B: Yeah, that's the plan.
A: I made a reservation for a pocket Wi-Fi device.
B: Oh, I've heard about that. Is it good?
A: Yeah. The data plan I got lets me use up to 2GB of data every day.
B: Isn't it expensive?
A: It's nothing I can't handle.
B: Then maybe I should do that, too.

A: 해외에 갈 때 데이터 로밍을 이용할 거니?
B: 응, 그럴까 생각 중이야.
A: 난 와이파이 도시락을 신청했어.
B: 아, 나도 들어 봤는데. 그거 좋아?
A: 응. 난 하루에 데이터를 2GB까찌 사용할 수 있는 요금제로 예약했어.
B: 가격은 안 비싸?
A: 크게 부담되는 수준은 아니야.
B: 그럼 나도 그걸로 해야겠다.

# Key Expressions

data roaming 데이터 로밍
that's the plan 그럴 예정이다
pocket Wi-Fi device 와이파이 도시락
data plan 데이터 요금제
nothing I can't handle 크게 부담되지 않는 수준

# Composition Practice

1. 호텔 주변에 음식점이 많아서 선택의 폭이 넓어. (have a lot of options)
2. 그렇게 비싼 휴대 전화 데이터 요금제는 필요 없어. (mobile data plan)
3. 전화로 주문을 하고 퇴근 후에 수령했다. (pick something up)
4. 휴대 전화를 할인받으려면 이 데이터 요금제를 사용해야 돼. (data plan)
5. 날씨가 좀 쌀쌀했지만, 부담스러운 정도는 아니었어. (nothing I can't handle)