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[영어회화 핵심패턴] keep A from -ing / A가 ~하지 못하게 하다

keep A from -ing

A가 ~하지 못하게 하다, ~때문에 A가 ~하지 못하다


비슷한 표현 : prevetn A from -ing



1. I couldn't keep myself from crying when I watched the sad movie.

2. My neighbor's loud music keeps me from sleeping soundly.

3. Put the sandwich in the refrigerator to keep it from spoiling.

4. Her busy work schedule keeps her from dwelling on her personal troubles.

5. Apply some ointment on your wound to keep it from becoming infected.


1. 난 슬픈 영화를 볼때 눈물을 멈출수가 없었어요.

2. 이웃집에서 트는 음악소리가 너무 시끄러워서 제 숙면을 방해해요.

3. 샌드위치가 상하지 않도록 냉장고에 넣어주세요.

4. 바쁜 업무 일정이 그녀로 하여금 개인적인 문제를 자꾸 떠올리는 것을 막아줍니다.

5. 상처가 감염되지 않도록 연고를 바르세요.



A: I can't believe it's already November. Time flies!

B: Soon it'll be the end of the year...

A: I wish I could keep time from passing by so quickly. 시간이 그렇게 빨리 지나가는 것을 막을 수 있다면 좋을텐데 말이에요.

B: Me, too. I'd like to enjoy the present moment.


A: I'm worried about my sister. She watches too much television

B: Most teenagers love television.

A: I know, but I'm worried it's keeping her from concentrating on her studies. 그 때문에 공부에 집중하지 못해서 걱정이에요.

B: Talk to her if her grades start slipping, otherwise, don't worry too much about it.



*soundly 깊이, 곤히

*spoil 상하다

*dwell ~을 곱씹다

*ointment 연고

*infected 감염된

*slip 내려가다, 하락하다





출처: 영어회화 핵심패턴