the other 명사 (~을 제외한) 나머지
I like the other color better.
The singer didn't like the other songs.
The other ones are not that great.
vocabulary 어휘
grammatical 문법적인
competence 능력
concerned 걱정되는
lack 결핍, 부족
spoken English 구어체
nuisance 성가신 것, 사람 [뉴슨스]
learn from 명사 ~로부터 배우다
We learned English from M&S.
She learned how to cook from Jongwon Baek.
below 명사 ~아래인, 아래로 (<-> above average)
He was swimming below the water surface.
Their sale volume was below industry average.
worth -ing ~해볼만한 가치가 있는
I don't think it's worth trying.
Was it really worth investing your money?
I am one of those shy guys who have learned English only from textbooks.
* I am one of those people who ~
I have a limited vocabulary and my grammatical competence is below average.
What I am concerned about *most* is probably my lack of experience in spoken English.
Do you still think it's worth trying? Please give me your honest opinion.
I would hate to be a nuisance to the other members.
[Easy Writing] 이메일: 부적절한 행동 관련 경고 (0) | 2020.01.13 |
[Easy Writing] 일기: 마유의 다이어리 (0) | 2020.01.10 |
[Easy Writing] 이메일: 보너스에 대한 감사 (0) | 2020.01.07 |
[Easy Writing] 이메일: 깜짝 성과 보너스 (0) | 2020.01.06 |
[Easy Writing] 공지: 연말파티 (0) | 2019.12.26 |